Division of Correction

It shall be the policy of the Arkansas Division of Correction to permit inmates to have visits with family, friends, attorneys and spiritual advisors under conditions that are consistent with the security and good order of departmental operations. Visitation privileges for inmates are essential to maintaining good morale, sustaining family life and ensuring relationships in the community upon release. Because of limited space, staff availability, scheduling considerations and security requirements of correctional units/centers, certain limits must be set and controls established governing visits.

Appointment requests will be accepted online from your mobile device or computer at: https://telegov.egov.com/docrequest. All requests are pending review and approval by the Arkansas Department of Corrections.

IMPORTANT: Anyone who is not on an inmate’s approved visitation list will not be allowed to visit.

Visiting Procedures

• Inmate Notification of Visiting Procedures

Written information regarding procedures governing visitation will be made available to inmates upon their arrival at the institution. At a minimum, the information will include, but not be limited to the following:

Each inmate is responsible for notifying his/her family and friends if they are approved or denied for visiting privileges or if visiting privileges have been suspended or terminated.

• Visitor Applications

IMPORTANT: Anyone who is not on an inmate’s approved visitation list will not be allowed to visit.

• Visitation Hours/Schedule and Number of Allowable Visitors

All eligible inmates shall be entitled to visitation privileges only in accordance with the following schedule:

1. Saturdays and Sundays will be designated visitation days for all routine visits.

2. There will be no visitation on holidays unless the holiday falls on a regular visitation day.

3. Hours for visitation will be from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and 2:00 to 4:00 p.m., except as authorized by the Director.

4. All Class I inmates will be permitted one visit weekly for a maximum of four (4) or five (5) visits a month depending upon the number of weekends.

5. All Class II, III and IV inmates will be permitted two (2) visits a month. In cases where inmates of the same immediate family are housed at the same unit/center, the Warden/Center Supervisor may approve requests by those inmates to visit on the same day, per the schedule of the lower-class inmate.

Four visitors are allowed during any one visit, including children.

The spouse of an inmate and all children, regardless of the number, may visit. However, only two (2) approved adult visitors may accompany the minor children when the limit of four (4) is exceeded.

Visitors are responsible for keeping children under control. Failure to control and supervise children is grounds for termination of the visit.

Special Visits

If the Warden or Center Supervisor approves, special visits may be allowed any two days during the week and during regular visiting hours for approved visitors who live more than 300 miles from the unit. The visitor must request the visit 24 hours in advance during regular business hours. No special visits are allowed on holidays.

News Media

It is the policy of the Arkansas Division of Correction to provide representatives of the news media with access to correctional facilities, inmates, and programs to the maximum extent possible without adversely affecting the operations of the facility or program. The term “news media” refers to organizations whose primary purpose is not for commercial production or entertainment. This may include representatives of general circulation newspapers, periodical magazines of general circulation sold through newsstands and/or subscriptions to the general public, online outlets, local/national/international news services; and radio/television stations/networks holding a Federal Communication Commission license. NEWS MEDIA INTERVIEW GUIDELINES CAN BE FOUND HERE.

Representatives of the news media may be granted a tour of a correctional facility or program when the presence of news media would not adversely affect the operations of the facility or program. However, all news media tours must be approved in advance and the Public Information Officer or designee must accompany representatives of news or organizations at all times. The Director may grant permission for cameras under restriction which includes not recording inmates except when an authorized inmate interview has been granted.

MEDIA INQUIRIES should be directed to the Communications Director, Dina Tyler, via email.

Entrance Into Correctional Institutions

The introduction of contraband into a correctional facility is a crime. Any person or vehicle entering a correctional unit can be searched for contraband. Visitors in wheelchairs and those wearing wigs or religious headgear are also subject to search. If a wig or religious headgear is being worn, the visitor will be searched outside the presence of other visitors by an employee of the same gender. Entrance will be denied if a visitor is not willing to submit to a search. Visitors must also pass through a metal detector. Units randomly drug test visitors by use of an Ion Scanner. A positive scan can lead to a search of the visitor and his or her vehicle. Visitors are not allowed to bring cameras, pagers, cellular phones, pocketknives, or food into a facility. Visitors are allowed to bring a small coin purse, billfold, identification, baby bottles, baby diapers, diaper wipes, car keys and jewelry (being worn). The warden/center supervisor or designee may set limits on the amount of money that a visitor will be allowed to bring in. Visitors age 12 and older must provide photo identification. Any visitor unable to successfully clear all entrance procedures will be denied entry and may have their visitation privileges suspended.

Dress Code and Restrictions

Visitors’ clothing must be appropriate for the age and occasion, to include the wearing of undergarments. No halter-tops, tank tops, hats, shorts, mini-skirts/dresses, see-through clothing, leggings, jeggings, or camouflage attire may be worn. Brief cut or otherwise provocative clothing will not be permitted. No sleeveless tops are allowed because shoulders must be covered at all times. Children ten (10) years of age and under will be allowed to wear shorts of an appropriate length. Metal on clothing items should be avoided due to delays in clearing security equipment when additional search procedures are required including the removal of any items containing metal.

Visitors will be allowed to carry in only the following items: clear plastic bag containing a small amount of cash for purchasing refreshments, prescription medication in the visitor’s name and in original pharmacy container, government issued identification, baby bottles, baby diapers and diaper wipes, car keys and jewelry (being worn). The Division of Correction accepts no responsibility for the property of visitors. The Warden/Center Supervisor or designee may set limits on the amount of money or any item listed above that a visitor will be allowed to bring into the facility.

Inmate Telephone

Inmates are provided with coinless telephones during set hours of use. Inmates can only make collect calls to pre-approved numbers. Inmates cannot have cellular phones or calling cards. Inmates can lose their telephone privileges for disciplinary reasons. Each unit has its own telephone policy, so please check with the particular unit for specific hours of use.

Tobacco Policy

Inmates are not allowed to have any kind of tobacco. This policy became effective January 17, 2000, and prohibits inmates from possessing “any smoking or smokeless tobacco product.” If an inmate is found to be in possession of tobacco, it is considered contraband and the inmate will be disciplined. Visitors and employees must leave all tobacco products in their vehicle. Bringing tobacco products into a facility will result in loss of visitation privileges.

Synthetic Drugs

Synthetic drugs are known by numerous names (Spice, bath salts, K2, and Molly to name a few), and are legally sold in the community as incense or other products “not meant for human consumption” but have an alternate use to produce a high similar to that felt when using marijuana, amphetamines or LSD. The problem is that each batch of these drugs contains different chemicals meaning each batch can produce different effects some of which can be life-threatening.
More information on synthetic drugs can be found here.

Video Visitation

The Division of Correction offers Video Visitation. Visitors must be on the inmate’s approved phone or visitor list. Visitors must schedule all appointments at least 48 hours prior to start time. Visits are 30 minutes in length and will begin promptly. KIOSKs are provided for video visitation during set hours of use. All visitation rules apply, including dress code. All visits are monitored. Officers can terminate an active visit at any time. Violation of the rules will result in removal of the visitor from all visitation and phone lists.

The recording or photographing of a video visit is prohibited. Individuals found to be in violation of this policy, or found to be facilitating the violation of this policy, will have their visitation privileges suspended for a minimum of one (1) year from the date the Division of Correction became aware of the violation. A subsequent violation will result in the permanent loss of the visitation privileges of the violator.

1. If an inmate is suspended from visits, all appointments will be cancelled.

2. As of January 1, 2018, the cost of a video visit is $12.99 for 30 minutes.

3. Attorneys may not use the ADC video visitation system.

4. Visitors can contact Securus Customer Service at (877) 578-3658 for technical assistance and billing questions.