Academic Record Services

Official student records reside and are maintained in the Office of the Registrar. Students are responsible for insuring the accuracy of their records. Such records include, but are not limited to, personal information, home address and phone number, degree status, career (level), major and grades.

Academic Record Changes

Students wishing to change their major must obtain the Request for Academic Record Change form from their academic adviser. Students wishing to change from degree-seeking to non-degree-seeking status should contact the Office of the Registrar for the appropriate application. Students wishing to change from non-degree-seeking to degree-seeking status or apply to a certificate program must file a new application with the Office of Admissions. Changes made after the census date will be applicable to the next semester.

Personal Information Changes

University records of students’ names and addresses are based on information given on the Application for Admission. Subsequent changes must be reported to the Office of the Registrar. Requests for name changes must be accompanied by supporting documentation. Please refer to the Personal Information Change form available online at

Any communication from the university mailed to the name and address or sent to the email address on record is considered to have been properly delivered.


Students may request official copies of their transcript from the Office of the Registrar. Transcript requests can be made online through student E-services, fax or mail. There is no additional charge for transcripts. Transcript requests by fax or by mail must include all of the following:

Requests without a verifiable signatures cannot be processed. Written requests can be mailed to University of Houston-Clear Lake, Office of the Registrar, 2700 Bay Area Boulevard, Houston, Texas 77058 or faxed to 281-283-2530. Telephone requests will not be honored. For same day requests, please visit the Student Assistance Center on the UHCL campus or at the Enrollment Services counter at the Pearland Campus.

Students who have encumbrance holds placed on their permanent records will be denied transcript services until the specific obligations have been met.

UHCL transcripts contain only academic information and course work pursued at UHCL. Requests are limited to 10 copies per request form.

Transcripts from other institutions submitted to UHCL become the university’s property and will not be reproduced and/or mailed to other institutions. Students may not obtain copies of their transcripts from other institutions. Transcripts from other institutions are destroyed five years after the last term of attendance.

Enrollment and Degree Verifications

The University of Houston-Clear Lake has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse to provide degree and enrollment verification through their Enrollment Verify services. Students have access to print a proof-of-enrollment verification online through their E-services account. For more information about the National Student Clearinghouse, please visit

Student Notification of Rights under FERPA

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) afford eligible students certain rights with respect to their education records. (An “eligible student” under FERPA is a student who is 18 years of age or older or who attends a post-secondary institution.) These rights include:

  1. The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days after the day the University of Houston-Clear Lake receives a request for access. A student should submit to the registrar, dean, head of the academic department, or other appropriate official, a written request that identifies the record(s) the student wishes to inspect. The school official will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records maybe inspected. If the records are not maintained by the school official to whom the request was submitted, that official shall advise the student of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed.
  2. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the student believes is inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights under FERPA.A student who wishes to ask the school to amend a record should write the school official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record the student wants changed, and specify why it should be changed.

Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20202

See the list below of the disclosures that post-secondary institutions may make without consent.

FERPA permits the disclosure of PII from students’ education records, without consent of the student, if the disclosure meets certain conditions found in §99.31 of the FERPA regulations. Except for disclosures to school officials, disclosures related to some judicial orders or lawfully issued subpoenas, disclosures of directory information, and disclosures to the student, §99.32 of FERPA regulations requires the institution to record the disclosure. Eligible students have a right to inspect and review the record of disclosures. A post-secondary institution may disclose PII from the education records without obtaining prior written consent of the student-

If you have any questions regarding these policies, please feel free to contact the Office of the Registrar at (281) 283-2525 or via email at

Policy on Release of Student Records

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 is a federal law stating (a) that a written institutional policy must be established and (b) that a statement of adopted procedures covering the privacy rights of students be made available. The law provides that institutions will maintain the confidentiality of student education records.

UHCL accords all the rights under the law to students who are declared independent. No one outside the institution shall have access to, nor will the institution disclose, any information from students’ education records without the written consent of students except with exceptions permitted under the act. (See Student Notification of Rights Under FERPA).

Within UHCL, only those members individually or collectively acting in students’ educational interest are allowed access to student education records. These members include personnel in the Office of the President, Senior Vice President and Provost, Vice President for Administration and Finance, deans, associate deans, Student Services, Computing Services, Student Business Services, Accounting, Career and Counseling Services, Student Involvement and Leadership, Health Center, Financial Aid, members of academic, grade and honesty appeal committees and academic personnel within the limitations of their need to know.

At its discretion, the University of Houston-Clear Lake may provide “directory information” to the general public without student consent.

Directory information is defined by the University of Houston-Clear Lake as follows (within guidelines of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974):

“Student” means a person who; (a) is currently enrolled at the University; (b) is accepted for admission or readmission to the University; (c) has been enrolled at the University in a prior semester or summer term and is eligible to continue enrollment in the semester or summer term that immediately follows; or (d) is attending an additional program sponsored by the University while that person is on campus. Students who do not wish that public information (including their name, address and phone number) be released can go online at and select all information to be restricted from release (with the noted exceptions for Release to Publications) according to Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 guidelines and policies.

The law provides students with the right to inspect and review information contained in their education records, to challenge the contents of their education records, to have a hearing if the outcome of the challenge is unsatisfactory and to submit explanatory statements for inclusion in their files if they feel the decisions of the hearing panel to be unacceptable. To review records, a student must make a request in writing to the Office of the Registrar. The request must identify the record or records he or she wishes to inspect. In compliance with FERPA, UHCL will provide the student’s records for review within 45 days from the day the university receives the request.

Students may delegate access to their records to a third party. Students wishing to give individuals (such as parents) access to their records may complete in person an Authorization to Release Educational Records.

This form can be completed in person at the following offices: Office of Financial Aid, Student Business Services, Student Assistance Center, or Academic advising offices.

Students may request letters of recommendation or evaluations from faculty and staff. Typically, letters of recommendation or evaluations will be very general in nature. These documents will not disclose identifiable information obtained from a student’s education record (GPA, grades, etc.). As such, letters of recommendation and evaluations may be provided without a formal written release. However, the student must request the letter of recommendation or evaluation (either verbal or written). If the student requests identifiable information to be disclosed (GPA, grades, etc.) in the document, the student must provide a written release. In addition, faculty and staff members may request a written release for any circumstance if desired. Faculty and staff reserve the right to decline a request to provide a recommendation or evaluation.

Communication with Students

The university-assigned campus email address is the official means of communication for all student-related information and exchanges among academic and administrative offices.

Students should check their UHCL email accounts regularly to receive information from university offices. For information regarding UHCL email, or to log in, go to Students have the ability to forward their UHCL email account to a preferred email account. Students interested in this option should visit University Computing and Telecommunications’ website at

From time to time, university offices may employ other means of communication. Those avenues of communications include texting, calling and postal services. In some circumstances, automated calling (typically referred to as “robocalls”) and texting may be used to notify students of important deadlines.

If students do not wish to receive automated text messages or phone calls, students may call 1-855-502-7867 to “opt-out” of these communications. Students opting out may miss important deadlines which could jeopardize enrollment at the University of Houston-Clear Lake.

For additional information on opting out of automated text messages or phone calls, please contact the Office of the Registrar.