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Sample Practice Test Questions

Word Knowledge Camaraderie most nearly means: sociability Spirit of friendship. Electronics Information

The valence shell of a conductor is how full of electrons?

less than half full

Conductors are elements that allow electrons to flow freely. Their valence shell is less than half full of electrons that are able to move easily from one atom to another.

General Science

Gametes have how many pairs of chromosomes?

Reproductive (haploid) cells known as gametes have half as many (23) pairs of chromosomes as normal (diploid) cells. When the male gamete (sperm) combines with the female gamete (ovum) through meiosis to form a zygote, each gamete supplies half the chromosomes needed to form the normal diploid cells.

Automotive Information

Power brakes multiply the force a driver applies to the brake pedal using a __________ connected to the engine intake manifold.

Power brakes multiply the force a driver applies to the brake pedal using a vacuum booster connected to the engine intake manifold. This provides for much higher hydraulic pressure in the braking system than could be generated by the driver alone. Antilock brakes (ABS) use speed sensors and adjust the brake pressure at each wheel to prevent skidding and allow the driver more steering control in slippery conditions.

Electronics Information

The conductivity of an element depends on how many electrons occupy which electron shell?

All electricity is the movement of electrons which are subatomic particles that orbit the nucleus of an atom. Electrons occupy various energy levels called shells and how well an element enables the flow of electrons depends on how many electrons occupy its outer (valence) electron shell.

General Science

The heart __________ blood.

To provide oxygen to the body, blood flows through the heart in a path formed by the right atrium → right ventricle → lungs → left atrium → left ventricle → body. When blood enters the right side of the heart it is deoxygenated. It enters the left side of the heart oxygenated after traveling to the lungs.

Word Knowledge Pantomime most nearly means: Telling a story through gestures. Automotive Information

Ignition timing defines the point in time at the end of the compression stroke that which of the following happens?

spark plugs fire

Ignition timing defines the point in time at the end of the compression stroke that the spark plug fires. Measured in number of degrees before top dead center (BTDC), the exact point that the spark plugs initiate combustion varies depending on the speed of the engine. The timing is advanced (the spark plugs fire a few more degrees BTDC) when the engine is running faster and retarded when it's running slower.

Word Knowledge Redouble most nearly means: To make twice as great. Mechanical Comprehension

Tension is a force that does which of the following?

stretches an object

Tension is a force that stretches or elongates something. When a cable or rope is used to pull an object, for example, it stretches internally as it accepts the weight that it's moving. Although tension is often treated as applying equally to all parts of a material, it's greater at the places where the material is under the most stress.