Find out about band membership and how to transfer to, create, divide or merge a band.
If the band you want to transfer to is under:
There are 2 ways a band can assume control of its own membership:
Under the process set out in section 10 of the Indian Act :
If the Minister is satisfied that the conditions of section 10 of the Indian Act have been met, the band will receive notice that it has control of its own membership.
In self-government negotiations, the process is similar to that set out in section 10 of the Indian Act ; however, the Parliament of Canada will normally approve the membership rules when they are part of self-government legislation.
If the band is under section 10 of the Indian Act , the band works alone with its own legal counsel to develop the membership rules (code). ISC or CIRNAC regional offices have no direct role in developing the band's membership rules.
If the band is under section 11 of the Indian Act , the band membership list is maintained at ISC by the Indian Registrar.
As of June 2017, 229 bands have assumed control of their own membership under section 10 of the Indian Act , while 38 control membership through self-government legislation outside of the Indian Act .
To find out more about how a band assumes control of its own membership, contact:
Bands can be created in 3 ways:
When submitting a request for a band division, you must include the reasons for division and alternatives that were considered. There must be an identified land base and the division must be cost neutral.
Band division usually involves 5 steps:
Most new bands have come into being from a band division. Some have involved both status and non-status Indians, following the general rule that registered members are the majority.
Before you begin the band division process, contact your ISC or CIRNAC regional office, as more steps may be required than those listed here.
To merge, or amalgamate, a band with another band, you must submit to your ISC or CIRNAC regional office a band council resolution requesting the merger and give the reason for the request.
Before merging, the bands must prove that they have reached an agreement about how the bands' resources, such as land, assets and funding, will be distributed within the band. The ISC or CIRNAC regional office will examine the proposal to merge. There must be an identified land base and the merger must be cost neutral.
Band merging usually involves, 5 steps:
No additional land will be provided by ISC to the band as a direct result of the merge.
Before you begin the band merging process, contact your ISC or CIRNAC regional office, as more steps may be required than those listed here.
ISC and CIRNAC regional offices work with unrecognized groups or collectives seeking recognition under the Indian Act . A recommendation is then made to ISC headquarters on what the groups or collectives are seeking in terms of rights. The ISC or CIRNAC regional office working with the groups or collectives must receive a formal written request from the groups or collectives if they officially are seeking to form a band.
To find out more about seeking recognition as a new band, contact your ISC or CIRNAC regional office.
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